Saturday, March 20, 2010

Heading into spring!

Today is the first day of spring and the snow has final all disappeared! We have been really lucky with amazing weather this week. We have ben taking family walks in the evening. Maxwell loves collecting sticks and and pointing out various observations on our walks. He especially likes imitating the birds he hears calling out.
The past few weeks have ben a huge turning point for Max. His vocabulary is exploding! He loves trying to repeat anything we say. Some of his amusing words include: Salsa, telescope, seesaw, Auggie, please, and apple.
Mimi and Papa Freddie came for a visit last weekend. They brought Max a castle to play in and he loves hiding things in there. Max is still asking for 'Bopa' now that they have left. Yia Yia will be making a trip out to visit over Easter. Max is working on saying her name, too.
One of Max's most amusing behaviors is his passion for giving kisses. He loves kissing people, dogs, stuffed animals, even blankets. He asks for numerous kisses throughout the day. He will make his little kissing sound until you give him what he wants. He is relentless.
Another funny thing that he is doing is saying 'oh no!' He says it constantly!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big Max is getting! I think he looks so much like you, I love it! I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks, loved the update!
