Monday, September 28, 2009

Falling into the season

Whew!!!! What a busy end to the summer and fun start to the fall. We have been traveling for weddings and hosting various friends and family at our home. And looking ahead, thing will not be slowing down any time soon. We traveled to Toledo for Carrin and Steve Fergussons' wedding. We were able to see Grandpa and Grammie M., Aunt Katy, Aunt Jess, and Uncle Zach. We also got to spend time with many of our friends.

Last weekend we went to Cincinnati for Kris and Kirsten Brandenburgs' wedding. It was a great weekend. We were able to spend a lot of time with Yia Yia, Uncle Bill, Great Yia Yia, and Aunt Mary. We also got to have a great time with Josh's friends from high school.

Today, Paul Heithaus came to visit and to see U2 with us tomorrow!!!!! We welcome the Christos family this coming weekend and will have fun celebrating Uncle Bill's birthday. The fun just doesn't stop.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Apple Picking

We had such a fun adventure out at Weber's Farm today. They had a great orchard with some low-lying branches just the right height for Buster. He really got into the process. However, he was more interested in throwing the apples on the ground or at the bucket and then pulling the bag out of the bucket. There were chickens, turkeys, and goats. Maxwell was very curious, yet guarded. He rarely shows any fear, so it was interesting to see him flinch when the BIG turkey got a little too close.
We got home and created a fun new recipe for a yummy apple bake:) We will certainly enjoy it for dinner tonight.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Play group for Buster

Finding our way around Baltimore has been an exciting new adventure. we have found great shopping, new restaurants, and so many fun things to do with Maxwell. Since joining the Baltimore Moms Meet-up group, I have made some great new friends. Maxwell has made some new friends as well. We recently joined a new play group that meets weekly. It has been a great way to socialize and to learn so many things from other great moms. I am loving it and so is Maxwell.

End of summer

I can't lie, the end of summer always feel like a sad time to me. I live for the days of gardening outside, laying by the pool, and barbecuing. But this year, I have come to realize how different life is and how summer is not AS significant. I have no garden to garden and grilling is not allowed at our new place. And forget laying by the pool. With Maxwell, it is constant in the pool and often chasing him around it. It is funny how things change so quickly with having a child. But you know, I don't really miss those old things all that much, with the exception of the grilling.
We have been so blessed to have so many people come visit us since we have been here: Grandpa and Grammy M.; Andy and Yanik; Yia Yia; and most recently, Jen, Justin, and Jackson. We have take full advantage of local places and cuisine. From the National Aquarium to the Port Discovery Children's Museum, we have had so much fun! We have really enjoyed out new tradition of eating crabs and making a fantastic mess of things!
I am for the first time actually looking forward to the change of seasons. I have a whole new appreciation for things now that I have a son to teach and nurture with all of the new experiences around him. I am already researching fun new places to explore and fabulous new things to try.